Re: Bug in freetype dependancy for pango.spec?

On 24 Jan 2002, Gregory Leblanc wrote:

> > In trying to install pango-devel, I get a failed dependancy on 
> > freetype-devel >= 2.0.1.
> > However, Freetype 2 is packaged (at least by Ximian) as freetype2-devel, 
> > so the check fails.
> > 
> > Bug or feature?
> Feature.  IMNSHO, renaming packages with the version number embeded in
> the name of the package is stupid, and should be avoided wherever
> possible.  Especially when things are packaged properly, and don't have
> any conflicting files.  If you're on Red Hat 7.0, you can download my
> freetype RPMs from[1].  If you're on a newer Red Hat,
> you don't need a newer freetype.

I second that. Say you installed gal 0.18 and 0.19, which are required
by different apps. If you don't seperate them under different package
names (just gal-0.18 and gal-0.19), and once there's some new version of
gal release (say 0.20), you'll be doomed after a "rpm -Uvh" -- both 0.18
and 0.19 are removed. I think this has been pointed out by somebody


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