Re: Where to put spec files...

On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 08:20, Jens Finke wrote:
> On 19 Jan 2002, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> >
> > I've been thinking about this, and I think that I'd like to move the
> > .spec files, and debian/ dirs, and Solaris/slackware packaging stuff out
> > of the main directory for -all- modules.  Since 99% of the time, the
> > people maintaining the code aren't the same people maintaining the .spec
> > files, it doesn't really belong "in with the code".  Having it in the
> > top directory, named only for the package name is somewhat unfriendly to
> > SuSE and other RPM based distributions.  So, the solution that I think
> > will probably work best, is to create a subdirectory called "packaging/"
> > (suggestions on the name most welcome!).  Inside of this directory, we
> > can put, for example,,
> >, debian/, and whatever else we might need, for
> > any other Solaris/Slackware/Irix/other packages.  Thoughts?
> I like the idea. Especially the splitting into distribution specific
> *.spec files. I did some work on adapting Redhat *.spec files for SuSE.
> Most of the time there are only minor changes needed, so it may be
> possible to write a script for RedHat -> SuSE transition.

That'd be quite slick...

> Just one note: Do we want to include a spec file in the tarball to let
> people do a rpm -tb foo.tar.gz? Or should we just point them to srpms?

I think that we'll want to include all of the spec files, and indeed,
the entire packaging/ directory in the tarball.  This will probably
prevent people from doing rpm -tb, but they should be able to extract
the correct spec file for their distribution, and run rpm -bb on that,
and get a good package.

Portland, Oregon, USA.

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