Re: SPEC file for pkgconfig

On Sun, 2002-01-20 at 06:58, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> Yeah, I do too, except that I've learned about the magic of a decent
> text manipulation language.  Emacs is my friend.  I'll try to steal the
> code from the Makefile-mode and put in into the rpm-spec-file-mode to
> line up all of the line breaks.  Of course, if you're not using a nice
> Lisp programming environment, I can't do much for you.  Maybe some VI
> guru can do something similar though.
> 	Greg

I share your despair. I too have been an Emacs abuser for years. I now
know what it feels like to _need_ emacs in your daily life, how it
alters your behaviour towards your friends and cow-orkers because they
are users of less crack-laden editors/environments. Luckily, I have been
taking counselling for this, and am coming to terms with my emacs habit.
One day I may even experience life as a normal user again. ;-)

Sad thing is, I have found myself coming back to vi (the sysadmin's
'choice'). I'm hoping that I can get something like anjuta working, and
see if life is possible in those parts.

Ross, who's not that bothered either way about people's editors, or
their line break style, and just wants it to work.

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