Re: SPEC file for pkgconfig

On fr , 2002-01-18 at 19:57, Sebastian Voecking wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-01-18 at 13:44, Chris Chabot wrote:
> > Since the configure and make install lines are very much default (no 
> > extra / different flags), you don't have to spell them out in the .spec 
> > file.
> > %configure                                                                                               
> > %makeinstall                                                                                             
> These default macros may cause some trouble. At my system %configure
> ALWAYS produces a libtool failure. I had to hack it to solve that
> problem. And I believe thats not a good way. So I spelled them out full.

How about creating a base package that should be included as a
buildprereq for build gnome-packages. That one could include depedency
on libtool 1.4.2, gettext-0.10.40 and such.

Instead of hacking around the problem, try to instead create a proper

If the distributions itself isn't up to date, then there would be even
more packages that needs to be included.


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