Re: packaging files in CVS


On 6 Aug 2001, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> ok, so I've been promising this for a long time, and I'm just now
> getting around to it.  The question at hand is this, "Do we want to keep
> packaging files (RPM's .spec files, dpkg's debian/ directories, and so
> on) in the CVS repository with their respective module, or not?"
> I tend to think that CVS -is- the right location for them, but I'm not
> all knowing, so I'm asking everybody for thoughts.

I second this. I can't imagine any advantage of a
outside-cvs-maintained spec file. IMHO this doesn't make sense.

> In order to make my point better, I've taken 1 particular module, and
> hacked on it quite a bit, in order to show what sort of integration is
> possible because the .spec file is in CVS.  The module I used is
> gnome-core, because the maintainer just wants a working spec file, and
> said I could do whatever else I wanted to to it.  Here's

Looks good but I have a few comments on this:

> ===BEGIN
> %define localstatedir   /var/lib

Why do we hardcode the localstatedir? IMO this doesn't make sense.

> Summary:         The core programs for the GNOME GUI desktop
> environment.
> Name: 		 gnome-core
> Version: 	 @VERSION@
> Release: 	 1
> License: 	 LGPL
> Group: 		 System Environment/Base
> Source:

Ok, this is not a big issue but can we write:{name}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ well that is a big issue :)

The %{name} macro makes this more generic.

> [looks all good here: I like the configure macros]
> %files
> %defattr (-, root, root)
> %{_bindir}/*
> %{_sysconfdir}/CORBA/servers/*
> %{_sysconfdir}/sound/events/*
> %{_sysconfdir}/gnome/panel-config/*
> %{_datadir}/locale/*/*/*

What about the nice rpm script?



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