Re: [Fwd: Re: here i come !]

On 24 Jun 2002, Bastien Nocera wrote:

> > > Why aren't you allowed ? Patents ?
> > 
> > I think so.
> Then that's what this repository is all about ;)
> As long as this repository is not available to people from countries
> where this patent would apply, we don't have a problem.

I figure this means that you set your "location" setting at install time,
and you will automatically get all the goodies you are allowed to

As for the FreeType hinting; Apple and Microsoft have patents that prevent
the FreeType library from using proper hinting code. (Sidenote:  Liam Quin
(Ankh) mentioned that he has prior art, but not the necessary cashola to
take out a patent lawsuit). 

However, unless you're stuck in the US, this is a non-issue, as patents
are only valid in the country they have been issued (this is a bit muddied
by the EU patent regulations, but we don't have software patents here

Karl T

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