Re: GNOME xdg-app runtime doesn't follow the jhbuild modulesets

On tor, 2016-05-12 at 12:10 +0200, Sébastien Wilmet wrote:
But there is a big difference between the libraries present in the
runtime and the bundled libraries: the libraries in the runtime are
regularly updated to the latest micro versions to include bug fixes,
translation updates, etc. If the library needs to be bundled to an
application, the packager ideally needs to frantically update the
xdg-app each time there is a new micro version of one of the bundled
libraries. If there is an almost automatic way to do that, it would
lessen the maintenance burden on the packager.

That is not something you should rely on. Any library update in the
runtime stands a great risk of accidentally breaking ABI, so its more
likely that unless there are specific problems that the runtime will
*not* get updated for micro versions of libraries.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl redhat com            alexander larsson gmail com 
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scantily clad mutant widow looking for love in all the wrong places. They 
fight crime! 

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