Re: Initial ideas on portals for file access

On fre, 2015-03-06 at 15:42 -0600, Michael Catanzaro wrote:
On Fri, 2015-03-06 at 21:34 +0100, Alexander Larsson wrote:
    Allow Save() without UI until a new version of the document
    Allow reading the file until a new version of the document

Hm. Say I am gedit, and I have a text file open. I want to prompt the
user with an info bar when I detect that the file has changed, offering
to reload the file. Am I correct to say I can't do that with this model:
I have to pop open the system-controlled open dialog instead, because
the file has changed and I no longer have permission to edit it. That
doesn't seem good.

There are two replies here. First of all, if you're running in a sandbox
there are some kinds of features you just can't get, and its something
we have to accept. For instance, a sandboxed gedit can't really have a
file selector sidebar. This is just a fact of life, and our goal is to
make the sandboxing APIs good enough that this does not hurt your
everyday use.

Secondly, this specific case. Monitoring is just a more efficient way of
polling, so, i think it makes a lot of sense for the system to allow
monitoring as a feature, and to have its permissions be keyed of if the
app has the permissions to do a polling version of the monitor.

So, the question becomes one of: If I've opened or written the latest
version of a file, and then some *other* app creates a new version of
it. Am I allowed to read/write that version?

I believe that we should at least allow reading it, as that is a not
something i think would surprise most users. Allow writing to the new
file without reading the old one first could risk losing data, so we
should perhaps open a dialog warning about that. On the other hand, in
the gedit case above that would cause two warnings about the same thing.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       alexl redhat com            alexander larsson gmail com 
He's an immortal guitar-strumming ex-con searching for his wife's true 
killer. She's a pregnant extravagent fairy princess who believes she is 
the reincarnation of an ancient Egyptian queen. They fight crime! 

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