xdg-app questions

Hey Alex,

thanks for merging all my branches!

A few questions I had while working on them:

- Are the ipc and network keys 'reversed' ? ie doesn't a new namespace
for these make things more constrained ? for all the other keys, a
value of 'true' means 'poke a hole'...

- Is there a strong reason to have separate app and runtime namespaces
in the filesystem ? On the other hand, it is not entirely clear to me
how system and user level interact when it comes to this - will a
user-installed app use a system runtime ? Will it prefer a system
runtime over a user runtime ?

- Why are we pruning so agressively ? One of the selling points of
ostree is 'instant rollbacks' - you loose that if you prune away all
the old versions... I wonder if we should have a more relaxed policy
for pruning. This also made the --commit support harder to write - I
have to pull the old commit from the server, because it will never be
present locally.

- Wrt to code organization - was there some idea to keep direct ostree
calls in xdg-app-dir.c/xdg-app-utils.c and make the builtins just use
those, or anything goes ?

- Wrt to api naming - how do you feel about going with the flow and
calling remote repositories 'remote' in the xdg-app commandline ? both
git and ostree use that terminology, and avoiding gratitious
differences would be good.

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