Re: New gnome-sdk images with gnome-builder app bundle

On fre, 2015-01-16 at 12:58 +0000, Simon McVittie wrote:
On 16/01/15 04:10, Cosimo Cecchi wrote:
[adding Simon, since I'm not sure he's subscribed to this list]

I am not working on Telepathy at the moment. I don't know whether I will
be in future.

    I don't really know telepathy all that well, but how well would it be
    amendable to some level of sandboxing? I guess with kdbus we could ship
    the client libraries and they would just error out completely if we
    forbid the client talking to the telepathy daemon well known name.

In principle everything should cope gracefully with not being able or
allowed to talk to the relevant services. The main place to "cut the
trace" (and verify that things still work) is client <-> Mission Control
5, because well-behaved clients won't talk directly to a connection
manager that isn't providing a Mission Control account.

If you don't actually *want* Telepathy (I don't know what you're
shipping) then a --without-telepathy configure option for e.g. Shell, or
runtime detection if it's all done via g-i, seems sensible. If you're
linking into C code then it would have to be a
compile-time option whether to do so.

Well, this is not about gnome-shell really, just apps. I.e. packaging
the client libraries of telepathy inside the runtime that sandboxed apps
would use, and then accessing the server side from the host os.

Telepathy used to have "everything over D-Bus, nothing assumes a shared
filesystem" as a design principle, which is still the case in many
places; but that might have been partially abandoned in more recent
versions (e.g. in favour of mandating a shared avatar cache), on the
basis that nobody actually used it like that and so it was wasted
effort... basically, the more requirements people have for Telepathy to
jump through hoops to work across container boundaries or stay
backwards-compatible or whatever, the more of its maintainers' time it
will take to get anything done. Like anything else, it's a trade-off.

With a fully sandboxed app there will be no access to e.g. a shared
avatar cache. However, one could run in non-sandboxed mode or we could
punch throught particular directories if we want to.

    Could we do something between "full access" and "nothing" though?

The major privilege represented by Telepathy is "can impersonate you on
instant messaging services". Is that acceptable for your use case or not?

Well, what i meant was more like allowing apps access to a subset of
your account. I don't have any particular usecase here though, i'm just
speculating how this could be used in a sandboxed world.

    Also, this essentially adds a new requirement on the host os session
    when running this particular runtime (has telepathy >= 3.16 installed).

Do you actually need Telepathy for your mysterious use-case?

I don't have a usecase atm, other than "apps may want to use telepathy,
maybe it should be part of the gnome supported/bundled APIs for apps".

Is "if the host OS doesn't have vaguely recent Telepathy, then
presence/IM/VoIP don't work" an acceptable fallback?

That is fine. We define a minimal server version and bundle some
specific client library version. My main worry is then if an app using
this older telepathy client library breaks if the server side is

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
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