Re: Hello?

On Tue, 2004-04-27 at 14:19 +1000, Martin Sevior wrote:
> So my advice is...
> 1. You need a genuine Model-View-Controller paradim or you have no hope.
> This means you must have a good document model like a AbiWord's
> piecetable.

I've looked at the abiword source a while back and I am familar with
bits of it.  Is the piecetable a design pattern or is it something
specific to abiword?

> 2. You need a genuine rich text, multi-view editor like AbiWord or you
> have no hope.
> 3. You need to able to invest a minimum of 2 solid man-years plus have
> numerous helpers and leverage as much as possible from what is already
> written to have any hope.

I have no illusions about the scale of the project.

> Good Luck!


> Martin
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