DTD problem with MrProject

I sent the following to the codefactory team but none of their listed email addreses work. So I will try putting it here instead. Are they dead or are their mail server just down temporarily?!

To be direct and concrete, the problem is the DTDs - mrproject-0.6.dtd and mrproject-0.5.1.dtd. When trying to open a project file the program reports in terminal that it wants an encoding declaration in the initial xml tag.

# Terminal output
/usr/share/mrproject/dtd/mrproject-0.6.dtd:1: parser error : Missing encoding in text declaration
<?xml version ="1.0" ?>
/usr/share/mrproject/dtd/mrproject-0.5.1.dtd:1: parser error : Missing encoding in text declaration
<?xml version ="1.0" ?>

The default xml tag
<?xml version ="1.0" ?>

It works if I extend the xml tag
<?xml version ="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

The program itself displays the following perhaps misleading message in an error box to the user "Couldn't find a suitable file module for loading '/home/cek/documents/mrproject_samf laeseplan.mrproject" I guess most users would quickly conclude the program is bad and not worth spending time on... which in fact is quite to the contrary. Could this be fixed somehow?!

Tested with rpm's on RH Fedora linux. Version 0.10.

Best regards

Christian E. Kaas

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