I'm tring to work with nodejs to send a connection to NetworkManger.
I tried to send SSID with node-dbus,but failed.
NetworkManager returned me :

and the connection I used is :
con = [ //a
['802-11-wireless', [
['mode', ['s','infrastructure']],
['security', ['s','802-11-wireless-security']],
['ssid', ['ai', [[84, 80, 45, 76, 73, 78, 75, 95, 49, 48, 68, 67 ]] ]]
// ['ssid', ['s', 'TP-LINK_10DC' ]]
// ['ssid', ['aai', [[84, 80, 45, 76, 73, 78, 75, 95, 49, 48, 68, 67 ]] ]] // note that array itself is element of struct
['802-11-wireless-security', [
['auth-alg', ['s','open']],
['key-mgmt', ['s','wpa-psk']],
['psk', ['s','0123456789']]
['id', ['s','TP-LINK_10DC']],
['type', ['s','802-11-wireless']],
['uuid', ['s',uuid.v1().toString()]]
['ipv4', [
['method', ['s','auto']]
['ipv6', [
['method', ['s','auto']]
The code which I use is :
var dbus = require('dbus-native');
var systemBus = dbus.systemBus();
var uuid = require('uuid');
var stringToArrayOfBytes = function (str) {
var bytes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) {
return bytes;
console.log( stringToArrayOfBytes('TP-LINK_10DC'));
con = [ //a
['802-11-wireless', [
['mode', ['s','infrastructure']],
['security', ['s','802-11-wireless-security']],
['ssid', ['ai', [[84, 80, 45, 76, 73, 78, 75, 95, 49, 48, 68, 67 ]] ]]
// ['ssid', ['s', 'TP-LINK_10DC' ]]
// ['ssid', ['aai', [[84, 80, 45, 76, 73, 78, 75, 95, 49, 48, 68, 67 ]] ]] // note that array itself is element of struct
['802-11-wireless-security', [
['auth-alg', ['s','open']],
['key-mgmt', ['s','wpa-psk']],
['psk', ['s','0123456789']]
['id', ['s','TP-LINK_10DC']],
['type', ['s','802-11-wireless']],
['uuid', ['s',uuid.v1().toString()]]
['ipv4', [
['method', ['s','auto']]
['ipv6', [
['method', ['s','auto']]
'org.freedesktop.NetworkManager', function(err, Device) {
// console.log(Device);
// console.log(id);
In my code,
" ['ssid', ['ai', [[84, 80, 45, 76, 73, 78, 75, 95, 49, 48, 68, 67 ]] ]] "is my ssid,
" ['psk', ['s','0123456789']] " is my password.
Module "dbus-native" and "uuid" need to be npm installed.
I tried to use stringToArrayOfBytes('TP-LINK_10DC') to replace [84, 80, 45, 76, 73, 78, 75, 95, 49, 48, 68, 67 ],but failed.
All ways I know had been tried.
Can you give me some help?