Re: [gnome-network] code freeze

On Fri, 2004-09-10 at 12:41 +0100, Mark McLoughlin wrote:
> Hi Rodrigo,
> On Fri, 2004-09-10 at 11:08, Rodrigo Moya wrote:
> > Hi
> > 
> > I totally forgot to say that now that we are part of GNOME 2.8 and that
> > GNOME is in hard code freeze now, we need to send all patches to this
> > list as well as to release-team gnome org for approval. We need 2
> > approvals from the release team and 1 from one of the gnome-nettool
> > maintainers. Without this, no patch can be committed to current HEAD,
> > which is the soon-to-be-released-with-gnome-2.8 code.
> > 
> > I was thinking we could create a branch (gnome-2-8) for 2.8 work and
> > leave HEAD for things that are too big for 2.8 or that don't get
> > approval from the release team.
> > 
> > Sorry for not having said all this before :)
> 	You're talking about gnome-nettool as opposed to gnome-network, right?
yes, we are still using the gnome-network list

> 	I noticed some commits yesterday and mean to ask about them. Are they
> intended for GNOME 2.8?
yes, that's why I realized I forgot to tell people about it :(

>  If so, they weren't approved by the release team
> and so shouldn't really be released ...
yes, I already told Germán (who did the commits) to send the patches for
release-team approval.

>  perhaps you could create a
> gnome-2-8 branch at the tag for the release candidate?
yes, as soon as we sort out what to do with the unapproved patches, I'll
do the branching.
Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo gnome-db org>

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