Re: [gnome-network]RE: Status : A few questions?

On Mon, 2003-09-01 at 15:30, Brandon Johnson wrote:
> List,
> As a Network Designer/Engineer/Administrator, I have keen interest in 
> the network side of things. Gnome is my desktop environment of choice. 
> So this project is match I would like to see grow. I wanted to reply to 
> the "Status" email, but found I was unsure what or where some of my 
> suggestions would fit. I was looking for some sort of scope for what it 
> is this project is meant to encompass. Could someone clarify more on 
> this particular aspect.
encompass the web browser you mean? If so, there is no plan at all for
that. We don't want to have yet another web browser in gnome-network.
There are already very good ones, like galeon and epiphany.

> A suggestion that I did want to add
> Network Info - the routing tables were missing. I always wanted some 
> application that displayed the routing information a little nicer than 
> is currently the norm. ;)
I'm sure that if you file a bug to, either
William or Germán will implement it :-)

> I'd like to discuss this one more.
> Do firewalls fit in here? Should this also be a front-end for "ip"? 
> (incl TOS)
well, the problem is that firewall admin is a root duty, not a normal
user's. And gnome-network is only for user-land tools. For firewall
admin, I'd suggest you poke the GNOME System Tools maintainers about it.

> Looking forward to some feedback and to contributing to some useful 
> networking tools :)
we really need ideas from people like you, so please, tell us those
ideas :-) Only take into account that all tools in gnome-network are
user-oriented, not admin-oriented.


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