Re: [gnome-network]Re: gnome-network VPN client

On 2003.10.29 10:36, Paul Coates wrote:
On Tue, 2003-10-28 at 23:17, Carlos Morgado wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 11:29:48, Paul Coates wrote:
> > I always considered VPN to be similar to dialup, both provide a new
> > network interface with an IP address on the remote network, and you need
> > to setup your routing to play nice with the other network interfaces.
> iirc frees/wan doesn't provide a network device.

VPN using PPTP and IPSec are two different animals, I should have said
VPN using PPTP. PPTP uses PPP and creates new interfaces, from what I
can tell IPSec does it's own thing on top of IP.

You shouldn't call it gnome-VPN-confabulator then ;) or else people will complain when it doesn't generate a frees/wan roadwarrior config for them.

Carlos Morgado -  gpgkey: 0x1FC57F0A
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