RELEASE: GStreamer 0.10.34 and GStreamer Base Plug-ins 0.10.34

This mail announces the release of GStreamer 0.10.34 "Misfits" and
GStreamer Base Plug-ins 0.10.34 "Lemmings".

This is a quick-fix release for a severe multiqueue regression that
managed to sneak into the last core release. The -base 0.10.34 release
is identical to -base 0.10.33, and done solely to keep core/base
versions in sync.

5ad9fec50a9979fc8a91ee81634877b2  gstreamer-0.10.34.tar.gz
e6938af242cd002be9f0b6441e848d83  gstreamer-0.10.34.tar.bz2

7a7131c90233e50e7d102670d3a3290a  gst-plugins-base-0.10.34.tar.gz
a8db3791c8b119d9cf109b8e18fb8fe9  gst-plugins-base-0.10.34.tar.bz2


Release notes for GStreamer 0.10.34 "Misfits"

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release
in the 0.10.x stable series of the
core of the GStreamer streaming media framework.

The 0.10.x series is a stable series targeted at end users.
It is not API or ABI compatible with the stable 0.8.x series.
It is, however, parallel installable with the 0.8.x series.

The 0.10.x series has been reworked for threadsafety.  It also features
various feature additions and enhancements.

This module, gstreamer, only contains core functionality.
For actual media playback, you will need other modules.

contains a basic set of well-supported plug-ins
contains a set of well-supported plug-ins under our preferred license
contains a set of well-supported plug-ins, but might pose problems for
contains a set of less supported plug-ins that haven't passed the
    rigorous quality testing we expect


Features of this release
      * Fix multiqueue thread-safety regression
      * Don't set artificial 0-timestamp on first packet for TIME-based live sources
      * Otherwise identical to the previous release (0.10.33)

Bugs fixed in this release
      * 649369 : basesrc: do not set first buffer timestamp to 0 for live sources
      * 649878 : [multiqueue] regression: gst_single_queue_new not MT-safe


You can find source releases of gstreamer in the download directory:

GStreamer Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website:

Support and Bugs

We use GNOME's bugzilla for bug reports and feature requests:


GStreamer is stored in Git, hosted at, and can be cloned from there.
Interested developers of the core library, plug-ins, and applications should
subscribe to the gstreamer-devel list. If there is sufficient interest we
will create more lists as necessary.


Applications ported to GStreamer 0.10 include Totem, RhythmBox, Sound-Juicer,
Gnome Media, Flumotion, Amarok, Jamboree, Pitivi, Istanbul, AnnoAmp, Elisa, and others.
Let us know if you want to be added to this list.

Contributors to this release
      * Mark Nauwelaerts
      * Vincent Penquerc'h
Release notes for GStreamer Base Plug-ins 0.10.34 "Lemmings"

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release
in the 0.10.x stable series of the
GStreamer Base Plug-ins.

The 0.10.x series is a stable series targeted at end users.
It is not API or ABI compatible with the stable 0.8.x series.
It is, however, parallel installable with the 0.8.x series.

This module contains a set of reference plugins, base classes for other
plugins, and helper libraries.

This module is kept up-to-date together with the core developments.  Element
writers should look at the elements in this module as a reference for
their development.

This module contains elements for, among others:

  device plugins: x(v)imagesink, alsa, v4lsrc, cdparanoia
  containers: ogg
  codecs: vorbis, theora
  text: textoverlay, subparse
  sources: audiotestsrc, videotestsrc, gnomevfssrc, giosrc
  network: tcp
  typefind functions
  audio processing: audioconvert, adder, audiorate, audioresample, volume
  visualisation: libvisual
  video processing: ffmpegcolorspace
  aggregate elements: uridecodebin, playbin2, decodebin2, decodebin, playbin, encodebin
  libraries: app, audio, cdda, fft, interfaces, netbuffer, pbutils, riff, rtp, rtsp, sdp, tag, video

Other modules containing plug-ins are:

contains a set of well-supported plug-ins under our preferred license
contains a set of well-supported plug-ins, but might pose problems for
contains a set of less supported plug-ins that haven't passed the
    rigorous quality testing we expect


Features of this release
      * This release is identical to 0.10.33 (to keep core/base versions in sync)
There were no bugs fixed in this release


You can find source releases of gst-plugins-base in the download directory:

GStreamer Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website:

Support and Bugs

We use GNOME's bugzilla for bug reports and feature requests:


GStreamer is stored in Git, hosted at, and can be cloned from there.
Interested developers of the core library, plug-ins, and applications should
subscribe to the gstreamer-devel list. If there is sufficient interest we
will create more lists as necessary.

Contributors to this release
      * Tim-Philipp Müller

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