Remote sound card.

I am trying to use my home-theater amplifier for playing sound from laptop.

What do I have:
1). Linux (Fedora 8) box connected to amplifier using analog signal
(will be digital in future),
2). Win$ XP SP3 laptop on which I want to play videos/dvds, BUT having
sound thru amplifier.
3). Ethernet 100M connection between boxes.

What I have found is WinESD (dead project?) on XP side and esound on
Linux. For the moment I have successfully compiled latest 0.2.41 esound
and installed "vitrual soundcard" on XP. But this does not work :(
Driver seems to connect to Linux machine, there are packets sent to it,
but NO sound.
On the other side, if I issue
esdplay -s /mnt/C/windows/media/notify.wav on Linux
box, sound płays.

More, there is NO debug output from esd, even started with debug options:
esd -tcp -port 5001 -public -vt -vc -d hw:0

It simply prints:
- accepting connections on port 5001
- enabling trace diagnostic info
- enabling comms diagnostic info
- using device hw:0

but no one letter more.

Please help/give some advice.


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