Using Esound with no soundcard

Using Esound 0.2.32

Is there anyway to use Esound without a soundcard?  I've tried using the
alsa dummy drivers but it appears that esound has problems with them.  If
someone can point me to a *definative* how-to to make these two work
together then I'm all ears.  I've UTFG (Used The Freaking Google) to no 

It seems silly for this server to be network centric but require a 
soundcard.  Is there anyway around this?  I've tried ripping out what 
appears to be the relevant lines in esd.c to make it network only but to 
no avail.

If possible, let users set a flag as to whether or not there is a 

What I'm trying to accomplish is being able to fire off two instances of 
mpg321 which will send their output to esd.  From there, run esdmon and 
pipe it to lame and then ultimately to a shout server.  I've made this 
work on a system *with* a soundcard but not on one without.  I'd be happy 
to get this working with the alsa dummy driver but would prefer to see esd 
not require a soundcard in order to work.  Ideally I'd be able to fire off 
multiple instances of esd running on different ports and support multiple 
streams from one system.

Please let me know if you need additional info.



The punk rock will get you if the government don't get you first.
	--Old 97's
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