Re: Status report on Gnome Wave Cleaner, and possibility ofplug-ins

Hi Jeff,

> The LADSPA plugin architecture simply won't support these
> algorithms.  I have looked at it (with the help of Conrad Parker).
> For example, declicking.  Say the window size is 1000 samples.
> A click may span samples 995 thru 1005.  The click detector
> won't even find that click until it has access to the second
> window.  So, it can't output the first window until it has the
> second window.  But my understanding is that LADSPA requires
> the same number of samples output as were input.
> Someone please let me know if I don't understand this correctly!

Looks about right.

FYI, it is possible to do this in GStreamer, as the plug-in has control 
over how much data it takes in and sends out if you want.
For example, I wrote a few simple FIR filters based off a book on the web
which keeps an internal buffer to do the processing.

In your case, it would mean first of all waiting to fill this buffer, then 
sending out less samples than got in the first time, as to keep your ring 
buffer you need filled properly.

If you're interested, I'm sure we can help each other get these code bits 
into GStreamer, either directly or through a separate lib (I advise you to 
do the second for maximum benefit of course ;))



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