Re: Gnome multimedia plan

On Sun, 2002-09-15 at 19:32, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Jorn Baayen">
> > Hmm. I think it's a bad idea, because:
> > - Rhythmbox is collection-oriented, not directory or file-oriented, so
> > this would be a mix of concepts.
> True...
> > - The UI would be horribly cluttered, someone already sent me a mockup:
> >
> >   Note the two toolbars.. :)
> Heh, that'd be due to the mockup-maker's crack intake, rather than what
> would be done in reality. :-)
> > As for the whole music view business, I'm not sure it's really a good
> > idea.. why swallow whole a music player into a file manager?
> > I mean, preview and single file stuff is cool, but a full fledged thing
> > .. that's what apps are for. IMHO file managent and advanced music
> > playback don't really mix :)
> I actually agree about this. However, sometimes I think collections of files
> (files in directories are still collections) could be displayed more
> optimally than icon-with-label. I dislike the current music view, as it's
> far too different to the icon and list views.

What I would like to see in nautilus, maybe this is a bit far-fetched
but: Browsing files by metadata: like proposed on some lists earlier,
stuff indexed according to file type, and then display files according
to their metadata, for example:
An image would just be a thumbnail with filename minus extension.
A music file would just be a music icon (with nice hover preview) with
as name "Dream Theater - Awake" instead of "dream_theater-awake.ogg".

> Would love to come up with an interesting design for these kinds of things,
> but in the end, I have similar feelings towards views as you do.
> Perhaps more subtle integration, in the way of toolbar buttons for adding to
> collection, getting cddb info, etc. Dunno, will think about it.

RB CVS installs a .applications file now, so you can add files to the rb
collection with nautilus.


> - Jeff
> -- 
>                     "Whatcha wanna be when you grow up?"                    
>                             "Eight and a half."                             
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