Re: [gnome-love] Need help in understanding JHBuild

On Tue, Jun 4, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Ankit Arora <ankitarora121 gmail com> wrote:
Okay so I finally built rhythmbox via jhbuild after 8 hours of struggle.

If you just want rhythmbox it shouldn't take that much struggling!  :)  What distribution (i.e. operating system) and version of it are you running?  Depending on that, you might be able to build rhythmbox from git master by building only a few libraries, not the whole jhbuild world.

Still need a bit of clarification.

The plugin guide for rhythmbox mentions two paths where rhythmbox looks for plugins. $libdir/rhythmbox/plugins and $HOME/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins.
Now considering my 'prefix' or install path for jhbuild is say ~/dev/jhbuild/install/,
What would these directories correspond to in this jhbuild sandbox?
I see similar directories as ~/dev/jhbuild/install/lib64/rhythmbox/plugins and ~/dev/jhbuild/install/share/rhythmbox/plugins respectively.

Yes, $libdir/rhythmbox/plugins is ~/dev/jhbuild/install/lib64/rhythmbox/plugins.  $HOME/.local/share/rhythmbox/plugins is still exactly that - it won't map to anything under ~/dev/jhbuild.

Is this the way it's supposed to be? i mean, my jhbuilt sandboxed rhythmbox would know from some internal jhbuild magic that $libdir for itself is "~/dev/jhbuild/install/lib64/" and not "/usr/lib" like it normally is?

It's not that magical.  All that's going on is that jhbuild is passing '--libdir ~/dev/jhbuild/install/lib64/' when it configures rhythmbox.  You could achieve the same by passing the same configure argument when building outside jhbuild, if you like.  Well, there's a little more magic: you need that directory to be in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH at runtime, and jhbuild will set that up for you.


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