[gnome-love] How can I have an icon in the gnome-menu ?


I've packaged my first complete Gnome application but I experience a very strange behaviour with icons in the menu. As it was done more by try/error than by real understanding, I guess I missed something.

My application is called "gtg" and I've put a gtg.desktop in /usr/share/applications with the following line in it :


I've also put a gtg.png in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16 22x22 24x24 and a .svg in scalable.

So, does it work ?  Maybe.

On one computer, it worked as soon as the application was installed
On another computer, it required to killall gnome-panel because the icon never showed up.
On the third computer, there's no icon at all.

All 3 computers are Ubuntu 8.10 and I'm completely lost trying to find out what can be the cause of this problem. Also, I don't understand what the /usr/share/pixmaps folder is.

Is there a good ressource about that ? It still seems like black magic to me and I hate that feeling.



PS : packages are https://edge.launchpad.net/~gtg/+archive/ppa and tar.gz for other distributions is here : https://edge.launchpad.net/gtg/+download

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