[gnome-love] Strange recent changes

I have two Gnome systems that I use on a daily basis.  Both are 64-bit
systems running Debian Sid.  From what I can see by comparing installed
(Gnome-related) packages they are basically the same (I've compared the
output of `dpkg --get-selections` from both systems).  The same goes for
the gconf settings (I've compared the output of `gconftool-2 -R  /` from
both systems).  Still after the Gnome 2.22 packages started trickling in
they have started to display slightly different behaviour:

- On system one (at home) the Gnome keyboard shortcuts work.  I've set
Ctrl+Alt+b to launch my browser, Ctrl+Alt+Home to pop up Nautilus in my
home folder, and Ctrl+Alt+l to lock the system.  They all work on system
one!  On system two (at work) however the keyboard shortcuts have no
effect at all!

- On system two my USB media player shows up with a name based on its
label, something like "Removable Media: TheLabel".  On system one though
it's called "1.9 GB Removable Volume", it's label is nowhere to be seen.

What am I over looking?  How can a get my Gnome keyboard shortcuts back
on system two, and how can I change how removable volumes are displayed
on system one?


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
magnus@therning.org             Jabber: magnus.therning@gmail.com

What if I don't want to obey the laws? Do they throw me in jail with
the other bad monads?
     -- Daveman

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