[gnome-love] A couple of easy coding tasks for GNOME lovers

Hello GNOME lovers!,

I've got a couple of easy coding tasks if anyone wants to take them,
sadly I'll be disconnected from the world (err, internet) in the next
couple of weeks and it would be really interesting to see them before
the several GNOME 2.16 freezes begin, so if anyone wants to help, I'll
be more than glad :)

1) Make the modem applet use Liboobs.

        Liboobs is a C library that abstracts the access to
        system-tools-backends (used in gnome-system-tools). Currently
        the modem applet communicates with the old s-t-b XML based
        interface. This change is fairly easy and would allow to remove
        *lots* of code used for that communication.
        A sketch of the code would be:
        OobsSession *session;
        OobsIfacesConfig *config;
        OobsList *ifaces;
        OobsListIter iter;
        OobsIface *iface;
        /* get interfaces list */
        session = oobs_session_get ();
        config = oobs_ifaces_config_get (session);
        ifaces = oobs_ifaces_config_get_ifaces (OOBS_IFACE_TYPE_MODEM);
        /* get a concrete interface */
        if (oobs_list_get_iter_first (ifaces, &iter)) {
                iface = oobs_list_get (ifaces, &iter);
                /* activate / deactivate it */
                oobs_iface_set_active (iface, is_active);
                /* save changes to configuration */
                oobs_object_commit (OOBS_OBJECT (config));
2) Show emblem on shared folders

        in gnome-system-tools/src/shares/nautilus/ there's a nautilus
        plugin, ideally should interactively show an emblem on the
        folders that are shared through NFS or SMB, This is now possible
        with liboobs too.
        A sketch of the code would be:
        static void
        on_shared_folders_changed (OobsObject *object,
                                   gpointer    data)
                update_emblems ();
        OobsSession *session;
        OobsSMBConfig *config;
        session = oobs_session_get ();
        config = oobs_smb_config_get ();
        g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (config), "changed",
                          G_CALLBACK (on_shared_folders_changed), NULL);
        This would call update_emblems each time the shared folders are

If anyone wants to work on these, they'll make my day, if they do some
progress or make a patch, just mail me, I'll try to read mail somedays.


LLama Gratis a cualquier PC del Mundo. 
Llamadas a fijos y móviles desde 1 céntimo por minuto. 

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