[gnome-love] task-based mgmt?

I was thinking of working on a panel applet/program that offers task-based mgmt of files, processes, and virtual desktops. I want the applet to fill the role of the default panel menus, task manager, and virtual desktop manager. It should create a tabs-type interface for working with task groups that have been defined. Each task group should allow documents and programs to be assigned to it. Each tab should have it's own virtual desktop under which program windows related to the task will exist. The tab itself will be in two parts. The tab itself will open the vdesktop exactly as it was last open. A dropdown menu attached to the tab's icon will offer a quick jump between open windows for the task, task documents, and task programs, and a task manager app. Optional for each task's vdesktop would be a second panel bar with an applet that allowed tabbing between the open windows on that desktop. Ideally this bar should optionally collapse when not in use. The task manager program should take the place of the desktop and provide easy access to the documents and files associated with the task as well as the means to configure these and configure tasks in general.

Has such a project already been done? As a programmer I often have several tasks going on at once and as many as dozens of open programs and windows. I find management via a conventional desktop to be wasteful and that in general I end up making a adhoc version of the above described system out of existing components anyway so possibly it'd be a useful interface. It seems it might simplify use for non-geek users too as they could work on tasks instead of at using programs. Open the email task and be presented with available email programs, click on browsing and be presented with available browsers, a task for photo editing, a task for word processing, etc. For the users I deal with that is more the way they approach problems than with Windows/Mac-style menus.

Can anyone point me in the right direction for starting such a project? I'm a programmer but I've never written an app such as this. I know C/C++ but usually use Python. Is that an option here?



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