Re: [gnome-love] Love for gconf-editor?

Fernando Herrera wrote :

- possibility to choose a config source and use gconf-editor
  interface to browser and set values (similar requests in #97335 and

      Yep, my plan is to parse /etc/gconf/2/path and the files it
includes and allow gconf-editor to edit these different sources. (i.e:
present any readonly sources before a readwrite one as mandatory
settings, readwrite sources as user settings and any readonly sources
after them as default settings). 

Is there a list to discuss gconf-editor stuff ?

Anyway I looked at those bugs and it looks like there is no public API
to get a list of GConf sources.  This means we'd have to copy the
function gconf_load_source_path from gconf-internals.c.

But what to do with GConf sources like $(HOME)/.gconf ?  We may want
the admin to edit user "foo" configuration.  Should we have some magic
to detect GConf variables (HOME and USER) and propose a menu with a
listing of users ?

And is this possible to connect to another user gconfd (without
mucking with /tmp/gconfd-$USER/lock/ior) ?  (I looked into this and
the answer is "no"; the call to g_get_user_name() is deep into

It looks way harder to do this cleanly than I first thought :(

What are your thought on those issues ?


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