Re: [gnome-love] Window SIZE

On 21 May 2003, textshell neutronstar dyndns org wrote:
On Wed, May 21, 2003 at 06:46:18PM +0200, Benoît Rouits wrote:
le Wed, 21 May 2003 09:06:22 -0300 
Alan Roberto Romaniuc écrivait:

I am using redhat gnome 2.2,

    I would like to see the window size when I resize
    it, but I can find 
a option for that.

Gnome 2.2 uses the "metacity" window manager program by default.  The
author of that program says:

Q: Your dumb web pages you made me read talk about solving problems in
   fundamental ways instead of adding preferences or workarounds.
   What are some examples where metacity has done this?

A: There are quite a few, though many opportunities remain.  Sometimes
   the real fix involves application changes. The metacity approach is
   that it's OK to require apps to change, though there are also
   plenty of workarounds in metacity for battles considered too hard
   to fight.

   Here are some examples:

   - Instead of configurable "show size of window while resizing,"
     it's only shown for windows where it matters, such as terminals.
     (Only use-case given for all windows is for web designers
     choosing their web browser size, but there are web sites and
     desktop backgrounds that do this for you.)

You can switch to a different wm if you want (possibly through the
control panel?), or if you have some other reason perhaps ask here and
it might persuade Havoc.

Martin 2004: Adelaide, Australia

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