Re: [gnome-love] Gnome2 ppp application

gnome-ppp is part of gnome-network.  You can look at


Yeah, but it sucked ;) It didn't work for most people
and is still gtk1 so starting from scratch makes so
much more sense.

I would agree there, the reason I'm still using kppp is
that it works, and gnome-ppp never did for me.

However, nobody have taken its maintenance, yet.  it
would be
nice to hava a dialer that rocks as
just login, password and phone number and go on!.

Yeah, and if it could run as normal user without to
much(or any!)
fiddling around with permissions.

All of those are of course extremely important, I just
obtained wvdial last night and have been impressed so
far.  So I'd hope that any gui ppp app could be at
least as easy to use.
I really like the glade-up. Would be need to be able
minimise it to
the notification area :) Now all we need is some dial
up code. We could
just make it a frontend to ppp like kde does or use

thanks, I'd also like the notification area icon, but I
have no clue how to even start with that.  I've played
around a little bit more with glade since getting
wvdial working, I trimmed a bit to make it a little bit
less like kppp.

Unfortunately, I don't have the coding skills either.
If anyone does and
gets something together, it should go in

Is there anyone here who does have the skills to link
a gnome gui to wvdial?  Its c++ and has a wvdial class
available and there are gtk+ bindings for c++ correct?

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