[gnome-love] New Set of Fingers Seeking Direction

Hi Gnomers,

My name is Peter Crackenberg, I'm currently a student, and I have been interested as of late in the Open Source movement. As I've changed distributions, display managers, text editors, what have you, the one program that has really been nice for me to use is GNOME.

Because of this, I thought I should put my money where my mouth is and start helping the project that I like and use.

My problem is where to start. As I look at the project list, nothing really stuck out at me. I have experience in several languages (Java, C++, Python, PHP) and experience with HTML and CSS, but no experience in platform specific development, and no specific experience with designing for the GNOME environment.

The Documentation project sounded like something I would be interested in, but I don't really have experience with the GNOME environment, so I am not sure I am confident with writing documentation for it. I also thought that QA would be something I could do, but I don't know how rigorous I would be testing software.

Could perhaps some more experienced people on the list speak to the projects for new recruits, and perhaps offer some suggestions as to where to go?

Many thanks,

-Peter S. Crackenberg

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