Re: [gnome-love] Gpdf PDF highlighting support

Some of these features are supported in PDF itself.  For example,
bookmarks - I know xpdf supports them (read-only), altho gpdf seems to
be lacking them.  As funny as it may sound, this lack of pdf bookmark
editing support in any free linux app caused us to have to use windows
on a group of laptops (used mostly as $2,000 pdf readers for

It'd be good to read up on the latest pdf spec, and make sure any
features you want to add that are supported in pdf are done that way,
versus separate "proprietary" files.

On Fri, 2003-08-29 at 18:09, W. Michael Petullo wrote:
Martin et al.,

I am interested in developing a GPL'ed application that supports taking
notes on a PDF file.  I would like to have the capability to do things
like highlight, bookmark, comment on or draw diagrams electronically on
top of an electronic document as if it was a paper document.  Rather than
starting from scratch, I thought I would see if you were interested in
adding these features to gpdf.

My concept is this:

1.  Gpdf opens a file.

2.  The user can use various tools to hightlight, bookmark, etc.
This information is automatically saved in some type of XML format
(in ~/gnome2/gpdf-something).  The filename of this overlay information
will be equal to the md5 hash of the original PDF document so that gpdf
knows what overlay to open for a given PDF.

3.  Of course, the user can also erase highlights, doodles etc.

I think this would be of great use to certain people.  Academics, lawyers
and other people that study documents would probably find it helpful.

What do you think?  Is adding this to gpdf feasible?  Or perhaps this
already exists?
Sean Middleditch <elanthis awesomeplay com>
AwesomePlay Productions, Inc.

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