Re: [gnome-love] GNOME user environment brainstorming

Iain wrote:

Why can't we put this stuff on the Desktop like we used to?

I may have mentioned already that I hate having stuff on the desktop... mine's totally empty.
- being able to add things at least would increase the functionality vastly
Being able to remove it entirely would help mine. I hate things like
that on my desktop :) Like the ~/Nautilus folder that just won't go

Or at least make it so that it's not the only way to do things? The notion of it as a virtual folder seems to support that idea.
It always seemed obvious to me, and it's the same way most people's Windows systems work (assuming they use their QuickLaunch bars, that is).
More people I know use the desktop for program launchers than the quick
launch bar, simply because the desktop holds a lot more stuff, has more
informative text and larger icons.

But why? In Windows, people use maximised windows almost all the time, thus burying all their launchers. Okay, in Linux it does seem that some people at least tend to use more nonmaximised windows (I do) but still there are some apps that are going to hide the desktop - I see very few people using web browsers that aren't maximised, for example, unless they're running REALLY high res desktops on enormous monitors.
Yeah, why? Apart from "Because thats what windows does" If it's going to
have every program in the path, thats overwhelming, and if it's going to
only have gnome apps, then why duplicate the operation of the menus?
I think to leave the run dialog as it is (maybe prettier) is perfectly

Definitely make the run dialog prettier. Add to Favourites might be good to have still though - it could pop up a dialog or something to make sure the icon's correct (this could perhaps only appear on Intermediate/Advanced user levels?)
Delete all the duplicate applets (mainly this is in the monitors section

The monitors also need deuglifying - no wonder so many people use Gkrellm...

Maybe allow "Priority text" like Bonobo does. So that important buttons
have the text to the right of the icon, and the rest don't.
Yes, that sounds good. My Win2000 directory views have that and it's pretty good.
If we could make a seperate package for just the GtkMozEmbedded stuff,
then we could offer Galeon as the GNOME web browser, and Nautilus could
still do the embedding stuff if it/the user wanted.

That's something I'd really love, especially when Evolution lets me check my mail at all, and Balsa is capable of checking it in less than 45 seconds...
A simple GTKHtml browser could be written. I don't see documentation
having much in the way of CSS, Javascript etc. And from the browser that
was formerly known as Encompass showed, it was capable of loading it in
seconds :)

That's good. I must remember to consider people who don't have 256MB or more of RAM to play with - even a fast-loading GtkEmbedMoz would be big, I think. And you are of course perfectly right - who needs Javascript in help files? CSS is good though - if the help files were written using HTML/XHTML that used structural tags only (strictly enforced!) there could be a system-wide help file stylesheet or something to make it match your Gtk theme... is that a bit silly? This is what happens when "Brainstorm" appears in the subject line...
Matthew Walton
matthew alledora co uk
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    open window and a stack of AOL and/or Microsoft CD-ROMs

Miri it is whil Linux ilast

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