Re: [gnome-love] Anyone done this before?

Ryan Marsh wrote:

Has anyone tried something like this with Gnome?

I've tried a small setup similar to theirs and all I can say is it was a
total bitch. Trying to host several users running Nautilus and Evolution
on completely remote X clients with preconfigured desktops, and
restricting their configuration isn't exactly as simple as:

export DISPLAY=somemachine:0

Possibly the folks at Unique Systems ( have. I know that their "official" success story (involving a WordPerfect, X, and a law office in the Detroit area) used KDE, but they are officially desktop-agnostic (and I know from the LUG that
their people are split on the KDE-GNOME war :) ).

Glenn, any GNOME setup stories you or someone else can share? Is KDE really easier
to set up for remote desktops, or doesn't it matter in your experience?

[Note: I have no connection with Unique Systems other than having evaluated and recommended them for a previous job, and of interaction in TALUG (
So I'm not getting any kickbacks from plugging them. :) ]


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