Re: GNOME Love Tasks (was: Re: [gnome-love]Fixing dialog boxes)

We also have the GNOME Task Database:
Good point.  There is one problem with the Task Database: It has not
been maintained for a long time, I can not even add new tasks to the
system right now.

If we can get this going again, I think that this `TODO' system should
be the one that we use instead of a hand maintained version.  I have
CCed Joakim on this, and see what he thinks about getting the task
database going on again. 
Finally, the task database has an interface which is friendlier for new
contributors.  This is a nice feature.  It means that the GNOME hackers
who help out on the Love project can spend more of their time helping
new contributors to get things done and less time being a middle-man
between the task list and the new contributor.  (Not to demean the
importance of helping the new contributor find the right job, but in many
cases a new contributor would enjoy looking over the full list and
selecting a task for him or herself.)
Yes, I agree with you.  

I think if we could encourage everybody to post tasks to the task database
then we don't need a single maintainer.  Our tasks really have to come
from everybody since no single person knows what tasks needs to be done
for all of GNOME.

So, an important part of the job of the Love project is to encourage GNOME
developers to come up with tasks and put them in the Task Database.

Agreed.  We just need to get the task database up and running again.
Me and Jody I think are the only people who posted entries in the Task
database, we need more people to put their favorite tasks.


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