Re: Starting Firefox from Evolution in a new window


Am Freitag, den 14.08.2020, 20:03 +0200 schrieb Volker Wysk:

When I click on a link in an HTML mail, Firefox gets started. But not
in its own window, but an existing Firefox window gets "recycled",
meaning a new tab is opened.

How can you make open the link in a new Firefox window?

I've figured it out.

1. Copy /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop to

2. In the line with the first occurence of "Exec=...", replace
"Exec=firefox %u" with "Exec=firefox --new-window %u".

3. Replace "Exec=firefox -new-window" near the end of firefox.desktop
with "Exec=firefox --new-window". And replace "Exec=firefox -private-
window" at the end, with "Exec=firefox --private-window". This
(seemingly) fixes two bugs, since "firefox --help" says that two dashes
should be used, not one.

Happy Hacking,

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