gdm force mirror screens : generate monitors.xml by commands

Hello Gnome Team !

I'm the network administrator of a French high school where I have
many Linux desktop with two connected display :
-> the desktop monitor
-> the interactive whiteboard

I need to mirror the display in gdm because often gdm decide than the
primary screen is the whiteboard (even if off) and my user's can't

I can't setup each client manually as there are too many ( round 50 )
so I need to generate the monitors.xml file by command line.

Actually I have found how to get the majority of the xml entries.
-> connector name OK
-> vendor name OK
-> product name OK
-> serial number OK

The only parameter I don't know how to get is the "rate" value :

Changing the value to 60 is not accepted by gdm. It's seems that I
need at least 3 good digits after the dot (59.887 works) for the file
being accepted.

But xrandr command give only two digits :
~# xrandr
1440x900      59.89

Is anyone have an idea how to get this precise refresh rate value ?
Is there any other possibility to generate this monitors.xml file ?
As gdm is now a classic user maybe this can be done with a dbus request ?
Is there some parameter on gdm to default to mirror screen ?

Thanks if someone can help me. This problem does not affect the
previous version of Debian (stretch) as there is no "rate" parameter.
But I use Buster now.



Here a sample monitors.xml file :

<monitors version="2">
          <product>DP2VGA V226</product>

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