I'm having a rather serious issue getting logged onto my system using gnome. GDM starts, I put in user name and password and the login starts but I never get a desktop loaded and usable.
Fedora 20
Nvidia GT330
NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-331.38.run compiled locally from geforce.com
I've tried the kmod and akmod drivers from RPM Fusion, no difference. I can logon using KDE and everything works like I expect.
Tried the same thing on a very similar machine and got the same results. The only significant differences are the second system has an Nvidia GT210, and is using the akmod driver. The root account can get a gnome-shell login working and everything works on both systems.
I deleted everything from my home directory that appeared to be gnome related and tried again, still no luck.
Right now I'm not seeing a .xsession-errors file in my home directory so kind of hard to troubleshoot. Is some some rc file that I can tweak so gnome will log some more verbose status and/or errors?
Stephen Berg
Systems Administrator
NRL Code: 7320
Office: 228-688-5738
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