Reference for making/modifying gnome themes?

A little while ago I found a theme for gnome-shell that I'm *very*
happy with.  The changes that came with Gnome 3.8 has made it partly
unusable (the changes in search layout especially) and unfortunately
the developer of the theme has switched away from using Gnome.  So I'm
left with the options to either find another theme, or fix this one
myself.  I thought I'd have a stab at the latter.

To help I've been looking for some kind of themeing reference,
something that ideally lists the objects that make up the different
views of gnome-shell and their attributes.  I haven't found such a
thing, does one even exist?

I suspect the Looking Glass picker could be used, at least to pick out
the types of different object and thereby finding their attributes.
Is that how people go about inspecting gnome-shell in order to write
themes, or is there a better way?


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: magnus therning org   jabber: magnus therning org
twitter: magthe     

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