Re: A confession

On Tue, 2012-05-08 at 10:39 +0100, Neil Bird wrote: 
> My name is Neil, and I have found that I actually quite like GNOME Shell.
> And, actually, ... it's quite nice (now I've re-themed it).  There are 
> some things I still miss, mouse bindings being a big one (although I have my 
> extra thumb button doing the overview mode using xbindkeys and xdotool), and 
> I'm haf-way to re-implementing the sticky-notes applet as an extension

That really sounds interesting.  Is the code somewhere?  Do you have a

> But all the things I *though* might annoy me ... haven't.
> So, I'm come out now:  I was a GNOME Shell doubter, but I'm (almost) 
> converted.  And I just thought I ought to say so.

Welcome to the fold. :)  I was extremely skeptical.  But GNOME has done
right by me for years, and the applications are first-rate, so I decided
I'd give it a try.... and it discovered the same thing as you.

Most notably I couldn't imagine a desktop without a task-bar.  But I've
been taskbar-less for a long time now.  I don't miss it at all;  I
discovered I just don't need one.


> Although we shall see how I feel when our application toolbars disappear 
> up into the main panel ...

Yea, that is one change I think just doesn't make actual sense.  But
that *is not* on the radar as a global change, so I'm not that

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