Multiple calls to gnome_app_new allowed in single app?


Is it permissible to make multiple calls to gnome_app_new() within a single application? I have an app which creates the main window using gnome_app_new() and then as a result of a pull down menu option, creates another window using gnome_app_new() as well. The second window has a vbox as well as 4 buttons on the bottom. The problem that I am having is that sporadically, all the widgets in the second window become non-responsive and the only recovery I have is to restart the entire application. I have tried adding hooks which will kill the second window, once it becomes non-responsive, and will then recreate the window (using gnome_app_new()) but the new window remains non-responsive.

Is it possible that subsequent calls to gnome_app_new are stomping on some globals somewhere in the GDK library?

version info:
OS: CentOS rel5.6 32 bit
Gnome 2.16
gdk+: 2.10.4

Thanks for any pointers.
westland ll mit edu

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