Re: Changing icons in the "favourites" box

Quoting "iki sham" <ikisham gmail com>:
Probably the same way you would change in the other desktop environments:
finding the desktop file for that app (usually in /usr/share/applications),
opening it in a text editor and changing the 'Icon=' path

I see. Yes, I remember editing my desktop configuration with vi
back in the days of FVWM. In GNOME2 it took about three mouse
clicks to change an application icon in the menu or the panel :~)
I better will learn to love the dog.

( yes, currently
you probably would have to do it for your mum, but moms aren't as picky
about icons usually).

Nor does she use mutt as her mail user agent :~)


On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 6:19 PM, W. Martin Borgert <debacle debian org>wrote:


in general I don't care about icons, but sometimes, I'm not
happy with the default ones: My favourite mail client is named
after a dog, so the icon displays a dog. However, this joke
works only in English, most other users can't understand it. And
I really don't want a dog on my desktop :~)

How can I change application icons in GNOME3?

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