Re: I think I know what is clobbering my Gnome (Resolved)

John Jason Jordan wrote:
On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 08:53:25 +0200
David Harel <hareldvd gmail com> dijo:

I still need to find the name of the Menu Editor GUI application. I
don't know why Gnome keeps this a secret. Maybe it's part of the
confusing bug tracker website. If users can't figure out what part of
Gnome the bug is located in they won't complain so much.

Typically when I try to catch a process I do the following:
1. ps -ef > /tmp/a
2. run the desired command from the menu or whatever,
3. ps -ef > /tmp/b
4. compare the files /tmp/a and /tmp/b (I prefer kompare by KDE).

In my case I found the command (python script) alacarte.
I think the problem is wider than the creation of the xml and desktop files. What I experienced was that some entries in the menu system are essential and then fiddling with them may jam the entire desktop.
Please keep me notified if you got any progress because I am curious myself. If I can be of any help like testing things on my machine I will be glad to do so.



David Harel,


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