Re: Missing Shutdown button in Gnome System Menu

Got it to work now. After upgrading some packages and installing the whole gnome-desktop-environment it works. Although this is not what I want, but for the moment I'll live with it.

Do you know which gnome packages are required to make this work?


Paul Wellner Bou wrote:

My Shutdown button is missing the gnome system menu. I am using Debian Unstable. First I thought this was a kind of bug, but it seems to work on other systems running debian unstable so it has to do with my machine.

The shutdown button is missing if I login as another user, too. So it does not seem to depend on my user configuration.

I am running GDM and I can shutdown via GDM. The Actions are enabled in the login window configuration.

I don't know what packages are needed for the shutdown via gnome menu and what the causes can be. Any hints?

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