Re: New to list

On Sat, 2009-01-17 at 23:34 -0600, aa0p wrote:
> Help,
> Since installing Ubuntu 8.10, I have 'lost' the type of menues that I  
> prefer.
>   Have been using the "panel Menubar' (the top one on 'standard' desktop)  
> with text entries of
> "Applications". "Places" and "System" on all versions of Ubuntu Linux  
> prior to V 8.10.
> I started with V 5.? so I am not familiar with menues previous.
> Now with V 8.10, I have lost the text entries and they are replaced by a  
> single icon.
> It does work however it requires going thru multiple steps to arrive at  
> the item I want.
> The former "Applications". "Places" and "System" words/texts got there  
> much quicker.
> I prefer the text version, sorry to repeat.
> How does one get to the "text' version menuebar?
> The online help still states that the "text' version is available but I  
> can't find it in V 8.10.
> If this is not the place to ask, then point me to correct place.
> Thnks,
> Steve
right click top panel > add to panel
the custom ubuntu menu bar is called "Menu bar"
add this, and you should be back to the applications / places / system

incidentally, running
rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel
will reset the panels to the distro default arrangement

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