Re: gpdf/evince in a browser : specifying parameters in a URL

On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 10:14 +0100, Sébastien Ballesté-Antich wrote:
> There is an usefull functionality in the mozilla acroread plugin which
> allows to pass parameters to a PDF URL from a web page's links.
> In example when you want to open a pdf file at a specific page, it is
> possible to use this URL: 
> (see the anchor #page=8)
> I wasn't able to make works the above url in firefox with gpdf/evince
> pdf viewer. Did I miss something, and if not, may you tell me the way
> to propose the implementation of such functionnalities ? 


This sounds very reasonable. Evince does currently not have a real
browser plugin (but it can be used as such with mozplugger I think) but
you can still request this as a future feature.

See for a bug tracking
the development of a browser plugin. You can add a comment there or file
it as a separate request.

Sven Arvidsson
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