vnc, gdm & root access


I am using Fedora Core 5 with vnc and gdm to gain root access to gnome. This works fine _except_ that some functions seem to be disabled. (I.e. Menu->System->Administration->Network or Security Level and Firewall, or the Packet Installer)

If I login locally and enable instead the Remote Desktop function for the user root and connect then via vnc, I have full control.

I suppose that somehow gdm disables some functions for users logged in remotely, despite me having explicitly allowed remote administrator logins. (i.e. it does not show the button to shut down the system either...) Same goes if I login remotely as non-root user and authenticate myself then via Menu->System->Administration->Root Password. I am asked for the password and it shows the authenticated icon in the menu on the right, but the functions are still disabled.

How to I allow full remote administrator access to a machine? Any hints would be appreciated.

Best regards,

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