Re: Autorun not allowed for USB memory stick

On Thu, Nov 02, 2006 at 22:34:45 +0100, Poul Moller wrote:
>I was trying to setup an autorun script to load my private keys from
>USB flash memory, but I'm simply not allowed.
>I have narrowed it down to the "noexec" flag being set when mounted by
>the Gnome Volume Manger (Gnome v2.16) but haven't been able to change
>its default behavior.
>Any hints are greatly appreciated.

What are you trying to achieve, exactly?

Removing the noexec flag when mounting USB sticks is most likely a "bad
idea" from a security perspective.  I'm suspecting you want to do some
syncing of files when the USB stick is mounted. Maybe it's better to
look into some way of using a tool like rsync or unison on the base
system, rather than running an executable on the stick itself?

You might be able to do what you want by setting up a HAL policy, but
I've never tried modifying the mount parameters this way.

Personally I keep my GPG keys on a USB stick, but I'm doing that by
configuring GPG rather than automatically executing something on my


Magnus Therning                             (OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4)
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