Re: Tool for search mime association

On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 21:07:46 +0200, POLONKAI Gergely wrote:
>On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 02:59:19PM -0300, Augusto Arcoverde da Rocha wrote:
>> The gnomevfs mime API seems to be deprecated and I'm seeking for a
>> more self contained tool (without parsing conf files directly) to
>> avoid distro conflicts or GNOME version changes.
>> GConf is a new interface to environment definitions, gconftool
>> implement a command line access interface to GConf database, but I
>> don't know to use it.
>> I use
>> gconftool-2 --dump --recursive-list /schemas | grep mime
>> and don't get usefull information.
>> Thanks,
>> Augusto Arcoverde da Rocha
>> On 6/20/06, Don Scorgie <DonScorgie blueyonder co uk> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Maybe look at
>> > gnomevfs-info
>> > it provides all sorts of useful information about a file, one of which
>> > is "Default app", which specifies a .desktop file (found
>> > in /usr/share/applications) where the info can be found (provided a
>> > default app exists).  Would need a bit of parsing though.
>I grepped all my gconf tree, and even my whole home directory to find
>where does gnome/nautilus/whatever keeps this kind of stuff, thus
>nothing is found. Could anyone tell me the secret? :)

AFAIK GConf has nothing to do with MIME.

Personally I find the MIME setup in GNOME to be a bit magical. :-)

The .desktop specification might offer clues:

The shared MIME database might not be implemented in GNOME yet:

It might also be interesting to see just what the program 'gnome-open'
does, since it seems to somehow obtain the information you're looking


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