Re: Upcoming Events: LWE SFO

On 7/31/06, lloyd foolswisdom com <foolswisdom gmail com> wrote:
On 1/19/06, Jeff Waugh <jdub perkypants org> wrote:
> LinuxWorldExpo, San Francisco is *the* big Linux tradeshow to be seen at,
> and GNOME will be there in force! Well, that's what we want to do, anyway.
> GNOME usually has a booth in the ".org pavilion", where all the cool FOSS
> projects hang out. Running a booth sounds a bit sucky, but it's actually
> really cool if you like talking to users, gathering feedback, showing off
> our latest work, and so on. Plus, it's a good opportunity to catch up with
> fellow GNOME dudes running the booth. ;-) If you'd like to help out at LWE,
> please sign up on the wiki page below.
>  Where: San Francisco CA, USA
>   When: August 14-17, 2006
>   Link:

I am living in the bay area a short time longer, and I would like to
participate at LWE SF while I am still here. I have neither
volunteered at a GNOME booth before or similar event. I am wondering
how I can best prepare and participate?

Peace be in you,
Lloyd D Budd
Jorge Castro (irc nick: whiprush) is organizing the booth this year. I
have just learned that my company is shipping me down there, so I will
in the booth as well.


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