Re: Adding Launchers/applications for all users under Gnome

On Fri, 2005-04-03 at 20:54 +0100, Eric Bouyoux wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a new user to Gnome and I use Gnome 2.6 under Mandrake 10.1.
> I have added some launchers in my gnome panel on the top of my desktop 
> (such as Firefox, nedit (text editor), amarok ...).
> I would like all these settings (launchers, icons ...) to be set as 
> default for all users using my PC (my children in fact) instead of 
> configuring each user's desktop one by one.

You children want to use nedit? You got cool kids. ;)
> For example, I've found the following stuff in my own 
> ./.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers/greasy-0019729fe9.desktop (why this 
> name ??) :
This name is weird because its auto-generated by the panel, and its
trying to be a unique name so it doesn't collide with a launcher you
might have placed yourself. Have you tried just copying the desktop file
into the appropriate home directory? 

Since I don't have to admin a large number of I'd just add the icons


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